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Parent’s Role

Parent Involvement at Meetings

The Cub Scouting program is designed to be led by parents and guardians! Not every parent feels up to being a Den Leader or organized enough to be the Treasurer, but there are many small and large ways parent can help in Pack 100’s activities.

As parents we are Akela (Ah-kay-la) – the good leaders. We share this responsibility with their Den Leader.

Your child will appreciate the fact that you care enough about their Cub Scouting experience to become involved in their Den, the Pack Committee, or even a leadership position. As your child progresses from Lion Cub to Scout, your involvement in their Scouting career evolves just as theirs does.

Parent Involvement – Pack Committee

Our Pack Committee typically meets monthly after our Pack meetings. Check our Pack Calendar to confirm dates.

Every Cub Scout parent or guardian is invited to become a member of the pack committee. Pack committee members perform administrative functions of the pack. The committee meets monthly and includes the responsibilities below.

Committee chair. Presides at all pack committee meetings. Helps recruit adult leaders and attends the monthly pack meeting and pack committee meeting.

Advancement chair. Maintains advancement records for the pack. Orders and obtains all badges and insignia. Attends the monthly pack meeting and pack committee meeting.

New member coordinator. Manages the transition of new Scouts into the pack and coordinates orientation for new Scouting families. Responsible for the marketing and recruiting initiatives of the pack as well as the growth and retention of the unit.

Secretary. Keeps records of the pack committee meetings and communicates with families about upcoming pack events and activities.

Treasurer. Keeps all financial records for the pack, including the pack bank account, and gives a monthly financial report to the pack committee. Attends the monthly pack meeting and pack committee meeting.

Charter Organization Rep. A member of the Meridian VFW Post 4000 helps coordinate activities and stays involved in our planning.

We are welcoming more committee members at this time!

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