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Pack Activities


You’ll see a variety of activities to engage you and your Scout throughout the year. See our latest list of dates for planned activities on our Upcoming Events List.

Pack Meetings

Pack Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month. All the dens gather and celebrate Cubs receiving awards they recently earned. Usually at the Cathedral of the Rockies, Downtown Campus 6:00 – 7:00.

Den Meetings

Den meetings are on the other Mondays of the month. Den Leaders plan activities to help the cubs through their adventures, and the goal of completing their rank requirements. Den meetings are usually held at the Cathedral of the Rockies, Downtown Campus 6:00 – 6:55.

Outdoor Adventures Image result for cub scout awards

One of the primary objectives of Scouting is to promote a healthy respect for Nature. We promote this through hikes, camping, and conservation projects. We actively practice “Leave no Trace” in all our outings. These activities are geared towards successful achievement of the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award.


Pack 100 has several opportunities for overnight camping each year.

The BSA Scouts has established guidelines for its members to participate in camping activities. A Cub Scout may participate in overnight camping when supervised by a parent. If a parent cannot attend, the child’s family must make arrangements for another adult to be a substitute for a parent at the campout. Cub Scouts are limited to child-parent excursions or program-managed family camping designed for the entire family. A current Health Form, parts A and B only, must be on file for a Cub Scout and the adult partner. When staying in tents, no youth will stay in the tent of an adult other than their parent/guardian. Webelos Scouts may stay in a tent with other members of their Den without a parent, but still may not stay in the tent of an adult that is not his/her parent or guardian.

Cub Day Camp

Organized by our District offices, Cub Day Camp is a day time activity where cubs can learn skills and earn badges in a fun day-long activity with other Packs from all over the Treasure Valley. There are many places for registered parents to volunteer!

Webelos Woods

Older Cubs (the Webelos & AOL’s) get to experience a classic Scout summer camp at Camp Morrison in McCall. The Pack works together as a group to prepare their tent site, eat together, attend classes, earn badges, sing songs, swim in McCall Lake, and other fun activities!

Scouting for Food

Scouting for Food is a national food drive organized by the BSA Scouts. Pack 100 joins Troop 100 to distribute fliers ahead of time and then collect food donations through our neighborhood.

Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby is one of the most popular and memorable events in Cub Scouting! Cub Scouts receive their car kits ahead of time and work with their parents to create a car to race. Cub Scouts are expected to do as much of the work as possible by themselves with adult guidance. Lion Cubs may only be able to help sand and paint their car, while Webelos should be able to do most of the work themselves. The Derby race is organized in heats to provide competition and excitement. Competitive activities like this help Scouts learn good sportsmanship by cheering on their Pack mates. This event is incredibly fun and gets better every year.

Blue & Gold Banquet

The Blue & Gold Banquet is Cub Scouting’s birthday party. This is also our ceremony when older Scouts cross over into the BSA Scouting Program and join a Scout Troop (ages 11 through 11th grade). Please plan ahead so we can celebrate our accomplishments together with an evening of food, family, and fun.

Raingutter Regatta

Even during the summer, Cubs get together! The Raingutter Regatta is a summer event similar to the Pinewood Derby. Cubs assemble and decorate a sailboat kit that they race through the waves and across the finish line. It would be a shame if a water balloon battle breaks out this year!

So many other activities are coming up! 

Tours of the State House, attending athletic events, STEM Activities, service projects with local groups. Some of these events may lead to alternative Scout recognition such as Emergency Preparedness Pin, Cyber-Chip, Whittling Chip, and Shooting Sports Badges.

By getting involved you can make sure we’re doing things that interest you and your scout

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