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Cub Scouts! Do Your Best! Do Your Best!

Openings in our Dens

We are welcoming new members in all our dens (grades K-5) throughout the year. Please contact us to learn more or meet up with us at one of our upcoming events!

Cub Master – Nate Pyle, call or text (661) 857-4790 or email

Committee Chair and Recruitment Chair – Kimberly Love, call or text (208) 412-3269

6th grade or older? Check out Troop 100

‘Blue and Gold’ Scouting Anniversary

Cub Scout Pack 100 gathered to honor the rich history and enduring values of the Scouts with our annual ‘Blue and Gold’ Celebration. This festive event commemorates the founding of the Scouting and showcases the achievements of our young scouts.

Awards and Achievements

The highlight of the evening was the awards ceremony, where all of the cub scouts in the pack were recognized for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Many achieved their rank advancements, a testament to their commitment to the scouting principles.

The celebration was made even more special with the presence of family members, members of our paired Troop, and council leadership who all came to support their scouts. Their involvement underscores the community spirit that scouting promotes.

Fellowship and Feasting

An array of homemade dishes filled the tables as everyone enjoyed an extensive potluck selection. The spirit of sharing and community was palpable as families, scouts, and leaders mingled and shared stories. No ‘Blue and Gold’ celebration would be complete without the cub cakes. Adorned in the Cub Scout colors, these sweet treats were not only a delight to the taste buds but also a symbol of the unity and joy within Pack 100.

Cub Scouts’ Winter Wonderland: Snowcapades Adventure!

The crisp air and the blanket of snow set the stage for an unforgettable winter outing. Our Cub Scouts embarked on a day filled with laughter, excitement, and the spirit of adventure.

Frosty Stations: Snowball Targets and Icy Obstacles

Each station was a new challenge to conquer. From aiming snowballs at targets to balancing a large group on a single board, the Scouts demonstrated teamwork and determination.

The Art of Donut Making

Amidst the snowflakes and ice, a sweet aroma wafted through the air as Scouts learned the art of donut making. This delicious activity was not only a treat for the taste buds but also a warm respite from the winter chill.

The Webelos’ Moment: Turtle Patrol Sled Race

The highlight of the day was witnessing our older “Webelo” Scouts, as part of their “Turtle Patrol,” race a sled they crafted themselves. Their ingenuity and racing spirit were on full display as they competed against other Scout packs.

Visit to the National Interagency Fire Center and Weather Service

To kick-off December, our Cub Scout pack had an amazing opportunity to visit two exciting places in Boise: the National Interagency Fire Center and the National Weather Service Boise headquarters. We learned a lot about how these organizations work to protect people and the environment from natural disasters.

Meeting the Smokejumpers

Our first stop was the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), which is the nation’s support center for wildland firefighting. We got to see the different types of equipment they use to fight fires across the country. But the most thrilling part was meeting the smokejumpers, who are specially trained firefighters who parachute into remote areas to battle the flames.

The smokejumpers showed us their gear and explained how they prepare for each mission. They told us some incredible stories about their experiences fighting forest fires and the challenges they face. They also taught us some important tips on how to prevent wildfires and stay safe in case of an emergency. We were very impressed by their courage and dedication.

Seeing a Weather Balloon

Our next destination was the National Weather Service Boise headquarters, where we learned how they forecast the weather for our area. We got to see the instruments and computers they use to monitor the atmospheric conditions and make predictions. They also showed us how they communicate with the public and other agencies through radio, TV, and social media.

We also got to touch a real weather balloon. A weather balloon is a type of high-altitude balloon that carries instruments to the stratosphere to send back information on pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed. The weather station launches two balloons every day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Having Fun and Learning

We had a blast on our trip and learned a lot about fire and weather. We want to thank the staff at NIFC and NWS for their hospitality and generosity. They made us feel welcome and inspired us to learn more about science and nature. We can’t wait for our next outing!

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